♥ Everyday Magic ♥
Oh Lordy, I am obsessed in this diaper! Grovia offers two options, you can purchase the AIO which includes a presewn in soaker and an extra one that can attach for heavy wetters/nighttime  or you can purchase a shell (or cover) and snappable inserts. So far we've only tried the AIO, but we love it.

One of the biggest complaints about cloth diapers is bulk. THese diapers are SO SO SO trim!  They can be a little pricey compared to some of the cheaper cloth diapers (They run around 22$ on Amazon) but I know i'm still saving money in the long run. And i've found that when you are loving the diapers you are using, cloth diapering because much more doable and fun!  The grovia patterns/colors are very cute.  Liam has the owl print and Olivia has the pink print in Newborn size :)

This is the Owl print AIO we have for Liam!
This is the Newborn AIO we have for Olive
This is the other option Grovia offers, a shell with snap in liners! The shell can be reused several times until soiled! We definitely will try these out, also.
Overall we are SO impressed with this diaper and plan to buy more! If you'd like to try it out but aren't sure you want to dish out 22$, try online forums like www.diaperswappers.com for a preloved diaper from other mamas who are in love with cloth diapering too!
Hello everyone!

Well, i've been using the BumGenius 3.0 diapers I purchased at CottonBabies.com for awhile now.. and I gotta say... I LOVE THEM! They are an AIO (All in One) so no stuffing is required! Although there is a pocket if i choose to add an insert for nighttime and also to flip it inside out for drying!

I really really really enjoy this diaper! I wasn't sure if i'd like the aplix tabs as opposed to the snaps but it's been great. Doug seems more comfortable with them too! 

To date I have no had any leaks with these diapers!  Because this is an AIO drying time is increased, but that's perfectly fine with me! These have become my first grab diapers!

Cotton Babies has them on clearance for 10$ since they are an older version, with free shipping :-)  

Econobums diapers consist of a PUL cover and prefold diaper.  Recently @ www.cottonbabies.com they were Buy 1 Get 1 free. I was able to pick up four diapers for $20 with free shipping. 

I have heard mixed reviews about econobums, but the general census seemed to be that you get what you pay for, but they make a decent diaper for the mom on a budget. (Lord knows we are!)

I finally washed up the diapers and gave them a try all day. I'm happy to say I've had 0 leaks all day! My son is a very heavy wetter, and we had no problems at all. I like how trim the are even with a prefold underneath them! 

I will keep you updated as I use them, but overall, I am a fan!


We've been using Kawaii diapers for about a month now. They were the first diapers we purchased for several reason. Firstly the price tag cannot be over looked!  Considerably cheaper then a lot of other pocket diapers, we decided to give them a try! I purchased 7 diapers as a starting point for us Initially I had issues with leaks, but I discovered this was being too loose with the snap sizing.

I am still experiencing some leaks if I choose to use the Kawaii's overnight, and with my growing preggo belly in the way, for the time being we are still doing disposables at night time.

Washing cloth diapers has not been much of a hassle at all. I do a prerinse cycle in cold water and then do a hot wash.  There was one point where i went 3 days without washing a small bunch of diapers, and i noticed a strong ammonia aroma after the wash. Doing some research around I saw a suggestion to add some white vineagar in wash. I had apple vinegar on hand so i added a cap full and it seemed to remedy the problem.  
I also like the kawaii pocket diapers because of the ease of use for my fiance.  I would reccommend them as a starter for anyone!

You can purchase Kawaii diapers at:  www.theluvyourbaby.com

I came across this survey/blog posting on facebook. (www.mypreciouskid.com) where they asked parents why they decided to cloth diaper, and what keeps them doing it. Here are the responses:

 1.    To save money – Did you know you can save more than $2000 over 2 years of disposible diaper use
2.    To help the environment – I read it can take 500 years for one disposible diaper to decompose
3.    Less trash – which can cut your garbage bill
4.    Earlier Potty Training – Many cloth diaper kids kids train before age 2
5.    Cute Factor – adorable prints and fabrics
6.    Unexplained diaper rash – using cotton and other natural fabrics cured it
7.    Reusable – most diapers have a 2-kid use factor
8.    Adjustable One Size – no need to buy many sizes per child
9.    Chemical Allergies – cotton, bamboo, and hemp instead of paper and chemicals
10.   Easier on baby’s skin – natural fabrics and green cleaners are easier on baby

Many of the moms  tried it because of all the money they save, but stay because of the cuteness factor and the health of their child and the environment. Which of these reasons would lead you to cloth diapers?
Yes, and no!  I'm just starting to navigate the world of cloth diapering!  Here I will post helpful links, products I've tried, and overall discussion!