♥ Everyday Magic ♥
Econobums diapers consist of a PUL cover and prefold diaper.  Recently @ www.cottonbabies.com they were Buy 1 Get 1 free. I was able to pick up four diapers for $20 with free shipping. 

I have heard mixed reviews about econobums, but the general census seemed to be that you get what you pay for, but they make a decent diaper for the mom on a budget. (Lord knows we are!)

I finally washed up the diapers and gave them a try all day. I'm happy to say I've had 0 leaks all day! My son is a very heavy wetter, and we had no problems at all. I like how trim the are even with a prefold underneath them! 

I will keep you updated as I use them, but overall, I am a fan!
