♥ Everyday Magic ♥

We've been using Kawaii diapers for about a month now. They were the first diapers we purchased for several reason. Firstly the price tag cannot be over looked!  Considerably cheaper then a lot of other pocket diapers, we decided to give them a try! I purchased 7 diapers as a starting point for us Initially I had issues with leaks, but I discovered this was being too loose with the snap sizing.

I am still experiencing some leaks if I choose to use the Kawaii's overnight, and with my growing preggo belly in the way, for the time being we are still doing disposables at night time.

Washing cloth diapers has not been much of a hassle at all. I do a prerinse cycle in cold water and then do a hot wash.  There was one point where i went 3 days without washing a small bunch of diapers, and i noticed a strong ammonia aroma after the wash. Doing some research around I saw a suggestion to add some white vineagar in wash. I had apple vinegar on hand so i added a cap full and it seemed to remedy the problem.  
I also like the kawaii pocket diapers because of the ease of use for my fiance.  I would reccommend them as a starter for anyone!

You can purchase Kawaii diapers at:  www.theluvyourbaby.com