♥ Everyday Magic ♥
While not really a product to review, I wanted to mention this park, which makes a great place for playdates!

As a mom, i'll often times google nearby locations to take my son to. When we drove by this park we loved the colorful play equipment. Upon further inspection, we fell in love! From the super-ultra-soft grass (a rarity in Florida), to the various play slides and tubes for different age ranges, I can see this park being highly functional for kids of all ages! There is also a great tented area, that would serve well for birthday parties!

For more information on the Friendship Park, or other parks in Oviedo, FL please visit: 

A recent pic of my guys at the park :)

Chances are if you have a baby or young child you know exactly what I mean!  I often times find myself endlessly searching product reviews on baby crap. Heck, I search for reviews on adult stuff too! If i find a product I feel like reviewing, i'll put it here! :-)