♥ Everyday Magic ♥
There are a ton of products on the market out there for dandruff for adults and children alike. The problem with the majority of products designed to rid our heads of this sneaky problem, is the chemicals and toxins found in them!  Yes, a infant cradle cap or dandruff shampoo may rid your little one of this pesky issue, but at what expense?  For starters most infant dandruff shampoos warn against getting any in the babies eyes, as it will cause irritation.   With the experience of having a toddler under my belt, I can say with certainty that bathing them without any water in their eyes is a very trying task!   Secondly are the chemicals and toxins found in so many baby products today.   It's so easy for us to assume that since a product is intended it's for babies, that it is "all natural"  and "sensitive".   

I've found the very best method of curing cradle cap and dandruff.


That's right :) When my 15 month developed dandruff on the front part of his head, I did some research and this is the method that worked best for me, and solved the issue the FIRST USE.

I found it easiest to put my toddler in his highchair, to keep him still and give him some snacks and toys to play with. Then I applied small amounts (dime size) of oil olive to the problem areas of his scalp. Using a brand new toothbrush, (that will only ever be used for this purpose!)

i started both combing the olive oil through his hair, and scrubbing in a circular motion around his scalp, loosening up what was attached. Because I was using an infant toothbrush which is soft, i was no worried about it being rough on his skin! I did this for about 20 minutes until I both exhausted the area I needed to work on, and my toddlers attention span!   Then i took him in the bath and washed and rinsed his hair as normal.

The next morning upon inspection, all residue was gone :) (And has been gone for over a month!)

Do you have any green parenting tips you'd like to share with me? Leave a comment!

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